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About ISSI

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Mission & Vision

At the Islamic School of Staten Island:

  • We strive - seeking Allah’s assistance - to provide quality instruction and foster a safe environment in which we cultivate a community that is rooted in an Islamic world-view. 

  • We aim - relying on Allah - to produce life-long learners who are devoted to the practice of Islam, confident in their convictions, and driven to fulfill their ultimate purpose.

Our Values

Ikhlas ~ Istiqama ~ Ihsan
Sincerity ~ Integrity ~ Excellence

Ikhlas (Sincerity) is the starting point from which we derive our purpose, focus, and direction.
Istiqama (Integrity) is our guiding method for determining how to achieve our goals.
Ihsan (Excellence) is the driving force that propels us to continue striving for the best outcomes.
We ask Allah to keep us sincere in our pursuit of His pleasure, upright in our actions and decisions, and striving for excellence with lofty ambitions. 
وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلّم

Our History

The Islamic School of Staten Island (ISSI) has its roots in the dedicated efforts of the Islamic Center of Staten Island, founded by Sheikh Karim Azzat. Initially established as an Islamic center and mosque, the institution quickly became a cornerstone of the Muslim community on Staten Island. Recognizing the critical need for a high-quality Islamic school that could provide both excellent academics and proper Islamic education, the vision for ISSI was born.

In response to this need, the Islamic Center of Staten Island decided to expand its mission and establish a private Islamic school. The aim was to create an educational institution that not only met rigorous academic standards but also instilled strong Islamic values in its students. 


Since its inception, the Islamic Center of Staten Island has been active on the south shore of Staten Island, offering religious services, educational programs, and community support since 2017. This foundation paved the way for the creation of ISSI, which now operates alongside the Islamic Center, each supporting and enhancing the mission of the other.

Eastbourne College England

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"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing."

(Quran 2:261)
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